"No Greater Honor"

Grayson RECC is proud to sponsor Honor Flight Kentucky, an organization dedicated to celebrating our nation's veterans by inviting them to a day of honor in our nation's capital. They gather veterans from all around the state that have served in World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War and sponsor a flight for them to spend the day in Washington D.C. celebrating their service to our country.


Kentucky's Touchstone Energy Cooperatives have been Honor Flight sponsors since 2011, beginning with the Honor Flight Bluegrass Chapter out of Louisville. The Honor Flight Kentucky Chapter was formed in 2015, and we've been sponsoring flights with Honor Flight Kentucky since then.

Honor Flight 2022

Kentucky's Touchstone Energy Cooperatives are once again joining with Honor Flight Kentucky to sponsor a flight for around 70 Kentucky veterans. This comes off of a two-year hiatus as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Each cooperative sends two veterans and two guardians. The Honor Flight is scheduled for September 17th at Bluegrass Airport, with the flight leaving in the morning and returning in the evening. Join us for the welcome home celebration at 7:30 that evening at the airport.